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DTS, Inc. It was known as The Digital Experience until DTS licenses its technologies to consumer electronics manufacturers. Work on the new audio format started in , four years after Dolby Laboratories started work on its new codec , Dolby Digital.

The basic and most common version of the format is a 5. These variants are generally based on DTS's core-and-extension philosophy, in which a core DTS data stream is augmented with an extension stream which includes the additional data necessary for the new variant in use. The core stream can be decoded by any DTS decoder, even if it does not understand the new variant. A decoder which does understand the new variant decodes the core stream, and then modifies it according to the instructions contained in the extension stream.

This method allows backward compatibility. One of the DTS Inc. Spielberg debuted the format with his production of Jurassic Park , which came slightly less than a full year after the official theatrical debut of Dolby Digital Batman Returns. In addition, Jurassic Park also became the first home video release to contain DTS sound when it was released on LaserDisc in January , two years after the first Dolby Digital home video release Clear and Present Danger on Laserdisc , which debuted in January Universal Pictures would exclusively support DTS until late Phorus, a subsidiary of DTS, Inc.

In theatrical use, a proprietary bit time code is optically imaged onto the film. An LED reader scans the timecode data from the film and sends it to the DTS processor, using the time code to synchronize the projected image with the DTS soundtrack audio. Data reduction is accomplished via sub-band coding with linear prediction and adaptive quantization. The theatrical DTS processor acts as a transport mechanism, as it holds and reads the audio discs.

When the DTS format was launched, it used one or two discs with later units holding three discs, thus allowing a single DTS processor to handle two-disc film soundtracks along with a third disc for theatrical trailers. DTS is related to the aptX audio coding format , and it is based on the adaptive differential pulse-code modulation ADPCM audio data compression algorithm.

The DVD specification was revised [ when? The DTS audio track, if present, can be selected by the user. A small number of Laserdiscs carry DTS soundtracks. The NTSC Laserdisc format allows for either analog audio only or both analog and digital audio tracks. This soundtrack is output via digital coaxial or optical audio outputs and requires an external decoder to process the bitstream. However, HDMI output on the Xbox is only found on the " Elite " model and newer models available since mid, with the release of the Falcon motherboard revision.

DTS and Dolby Digital AC-3 , DTS's chief competitor in the cinema and home theatre markets, are often compared because of their similarity in product goals, though Dolby believed that the surround channels should be diffused [ clarification needed ] and DTS said they should be directional. DTS audio is stored on a separate set of CD-ROM media, with greater storage capacity that affords the potential to deliver greater audio fidelity and is not subject to the usual wear and damage suffered by the film print during the normal course of the movie's theatrical screening.

Disregarding the separate CD-ROM assembly as a potential point of failure, the DTS audiopath is comparatively impervious to film degradation, unless the film-printed timecode is completely destroyed. When the DTS audio track is encoded at its highest legal bitrate But even at that rate, consumer audio gear already enjoys better audio performance than theatrical 35 mm movie installations, which are limited to even lower bitrates. At this reduced rate, DTS no longer retains audio transparency.

This was done to make room for more audio tracks and content to reduce costs of spreading extra material on multiple discs. AC-3 and DTS are sometimes judged by their encoded bitrates. Conversely, DTS proponents claim that the extra bits give higher fidelity and more dynamic range, providing a richer and more lifelike sound. But no conclusion can be drawn from their respective bitrates, as each codec relies on different coding tools and syntax to compress audio.

In addition to the standard 5. This is a process designed specifically for playback in motion picture theaters equipped with 70mm projection and 6-track surround sound. The 70 mm DTS prints do not have 6-track magnetic striping, so there is no analog backup should the digital sound fail.

The time code track on the film is many times wider than the 35mm version, since it can occupy the area formerly taken up by a magnetic track. Theaters with 70 mm DTS frequently install two time code readers for greater reliability. The gradual disappearance of 70 mm as a common exhibition format has led to DTS being reserved for niche engagements of 70 mm revivals and restorations.

Dolby Digital has not been adapted to the 70 mm format. DTS processors that are compatible with the ES codec look for and recognize "flags" built into the audio coding and "unfold" the rear-center sound from data that would otherwise be sent to rear surround speakers. DTS decoders which do not understand ES process the sound as if it were standard 5.

To maintain compatibility with DTS decoders which do not support DTS-ES, the center-surround channel is also matrixed into the left and right surround channels, so that the rear center channel's sound is still present when played in 5.

In contrast, Dolby's competing EX codec, which also boasts a center rear channel, can only handle matrixed data and does not support a discrete sixth channel; it is most directly comparable to DTS-ES Matrix. The center-surround channel can be decoded using any surround sound processor by feeding the left and right surround signals to the processor inputs. The left-Center-Right surround is produced. This will work for a "center-surround" reproduction, whether the source material is explicitly encoded, as in DTS-ES, or hidden as the ambience in any 5.

It delivers up to 7. DTS-HD Master Audio is selected as an optional surround sound format for Blu-ray , where it has been limited to a maximum of 8 discrete channels. If more than two channels are used, a "channel remapping" function allows for remixing the soundtrack to compensate for a different channel layout in the playback system compared to the original mix. All Blu-ray players can decode the DTS "core" resolution soundtrack at 1.

DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD are the only technologies that deliver compressed lossless surround sound for these new disc formats, ensuring the highest quality audio performance available in the new standards.

For each speaker, DTS:X allows the "location" direction from the listener of "objects" audio tracks to be specified as polar coordinates. The audio processor is then responsible for dynamically rendering sound output depending on the number and position of speakers available. The layout showcased at AMC Burbank theatre number 8 has a standard eight channel base layer, a five channel height layer on top of the base layer on the front and side walls and three rows of speakers on the ceiling.

The surround arrays are bass managed by woofers suspended from the ceiling. Neo:6 is a multi-band decoder, unlike Dolby Pro Logic II's broadband logic steering, meaning that the decoder can enhance more than one predominant signal at a time — provided each predominant signal lies in a different frequency band than the others.

The number of bands steered varies in each Neo:6 implementation, with the first decoders steering in 12 separate bands and later units steering up to DTS Neo:X reconstructs 2. Dolby's Pro Logic IIz 's system adds only front height channels to the 7.

Neo:X also matrix downmixes DTS Neural:X usually comes on systems that also have DTS:X, and is an upmixing technique for upmixing or remapping legacy bitstreams and PCM content to virtually any speaker layout, in which the sound can come from anywhere around the listener, including above.

It allows a virtual 5. DTS Headphone:X is metadata which can be encoded on top of a 2-channel lossy DTS bitstream that reproduces 12 channels of binaural surround sound using any pair of stereo headphones. Play-Fi is a wireless protocol for multiroom audio based on the existing Play-Fi does not support Google Cast , rebroadcasting Bluetooth input to more than one speaker, [51] or audio streaming in sync with video on non-Windows systems.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from DTS sound system company. Series of multichannel audio technologies. Calabasas , California [2]. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.

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Retrieved 10 November Audio Signal Processing and Coding. ISBN S2CID Archived from the original on February 6, Retrieved March 24, Retrieved on Archived from the original on April 13, Archived from the original on April 17, Archived from the original on August 17, Retrieved April 10,


Logic pro x reference track free


Swift is a general-purpose , multi-paradigm , compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. First released in , Swift was developed as a replacement for Apple's earlier programming language Objective-C , as Objective-C had been largely unchanged since the early s and lacked modern language features. Swift works with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks , and a key aspect of Swift's design was the ability to interoperate with the huge body of existing Objective-C code developed for Apple products over the previous decades.

It was built with the open source LLVM compiler framework and has been included in Xcode since version 6, released in Apple intended Swift to support many core concepts associated with Objective-C , notably dynamic dispatch , widespread late binding , extensible programming and similar features, but in a "safer" way, making it easier to catch software bugs ; Swift has features addressing some common programming errors like null pointer dereferencing and provides syntactic sugar to help avoid the pyramid of doom.

Swift supports the concept of protocol extensibility, an extensibility system that can be applied to types, structs and classes , which Apple promotes as a real change in programming paradigms they term "protocol-oriented programming" [12] similar to traits. Initially a proprietary language , version 2. Through version 3. Swift 4. Code written with previous versions of Swift can be updated using the migration functionality built into Xcode.

Swift 5, released in March , introduced a stable binary interface on Apple platforms, allowing the Swift runtime to be incorporated into Apple operating systems.

It is source compatible with Swift 4. Swift 5. The introduction of module stability makes it possible to create and share binary frameworks that will work with future releases of Swift. Development of Swift started in July by Chris Lattner , with the eventual collaboration of many other programmers at Apple.

Apple planned to make source code converters available if needed for the full release. Swift reached the 1. On December 3, , the Swift language, supporting libraries, debugger, and package manager were open-sourced under the Apache 2.

The source code is hosted on GitHub , where it is easy for anyone to get the code, build it themselves, and even create pull requests to contribute code back to the project. In December , IBM announced its Swift Sandbox website, which allows developers to write Swift code in one pane and display output in another. The app is presented in a 3D video game-like interface which provides feedback when lines of code are placed in a certain order and executed. In January , Chris Lattner announced his departure from Apple for a new position with Tesla Motors , with the Swift project lead role going to team veteran Ted Kremenek.

Official downloads for the Ubuntu distribution of Linux have been available since Swift 2. Swift is an alternative to the Objective-C language that employs modern programming-language theory concepts and strives to present a simpler syntax. During its introduction, it was described simply as "Objective-C without the baggage of C". By default, Swift does not expose pointers and other unsafe accessors , in contrast to Objective-C, which uses pointers pervasively to refer to object instances.

Also, Objective-C's use of a Smalltalk -like syntax for making method calls has been replaced with a dot-notation style and namespace system more familiar to programmers from other common object-oriented OO languages like Java or C. Swift introduces true named parameters and retains key Objective-C concepts, including protocols , closures and categories , often replacing former syntax with cleaner versions and allowing these concepts to be applied to other language structures, like enumerated types enums.

Swift supports closures known as lambdas in other languages [ clarification needed ]. Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in code, [58] and can also be used as anonymous functions.

Here are some examples:. Starting from version 5. Under the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch environments, many common classes were part of the Foundation Kit library. Objective-C provided various bits of syntactic sugar to allow some of these objects to be created on-the-fly within the language, but once created, the objects were manipulated with object calls.

In Swift, many of these basic types have been promoted to the language's core, and can be manipulated directly. Swift supports five access control levels for symbols: open , public , internal , fileprivate , and private. Unlike many object-oriented languages, these access controls ignore inheritance hierarchies: private indicates that a symbol is accessible only in the immediate scope , fileprivate indicates it is accessible only from within the file, internal indicates it is accessible within the containing module, public indicates it is accessible from any module, and open only for classes and their methods indicates that the class may be subclassed outside of the module.

An important new feature in Swift is option types , which allow references or values to operate in a manner similar to the common pattern in C , where a pointer may refer to a value or may be null. This implies that non-optional types cannot result in a null-pointer error ; the compiler can ensure this is not possible.

As in C , [63] Swift also includes syntactic sugar for this, allowing one to indicate a variable is optional by placing a question mark after the type name, var optionalInteger: Int?

Optional types wrap the base type, resulting in a different instance. String and String? To access the value inside, assuming it is not nil, it must be unwrapped to expose the instance inside. This is performed with the! In this case, the! If anOptionalInstance is nil, a null-pointer error occurs. This can be annoying in practice, so Swift also includes the concept of optional chaining to test whether the instance is nil and then unwrap it if it is non-null:.

In this case the runtime calls someMethod only if anOptionalInstance is not nil, suppressing the error. Normally this requires the programmer to test whether myValue is nil before proceeding. For instance:. Swift 2 introduced the new keyword guard for cases in which code should stop executing if some condition is unmet:.

Using guard has three benefits. While the syntax can act as an if statement, its primary benefit is inferring non-nullability.

Where an if statement requires a case, guard assumes the case based on the condition provided. Also, since guard contains no scope, with exception of the else closure, leaseStart is presented as an unwrapped optional to the guard's super-scope. Lastly, if the guard statement's test fails, Swift requires the else to exit the current method or loop, ensuring leaseStart never is accessed when nil.

This is performed with the keywords return , continue , break , or throw , or by calling a function returning a Never e. Objective-C was weakly typed and allowed any method to be called on any object at any time.

If the method call failed, there was a default handler in the runtime that returned nil. That meant that no unwrapping or testing was needed, the equivalent statement in Objective-C:. Would return nil, and this could be tested. However, this also demanded that all method calls be dynamic, which introduces significant overhead. Swift's use of optionals provides a similar mechanism for testing and dealing with nils, but does so in a way that allows the compiler to use static dispatch because the unwrapping action is called on a defined instance the wrapper , versus occurring in the runtime dispatch system.

In many object-oriented languages, objects are represented internally in two parts. The object is stored as a block of data placed on the heap , while the name or "handle" to that object is represented by a pointer. Objects are passed between methods by copying the value of the pointer, allowing the same underlying data on the heap to be accessed by anyone with a copy.

In contrast, basic types like integers and floating-point values are represented directly; the handle contains the data, not a pointer to it, and that data is passed directly to methods by copying.

These styles of access are termed pass-by-reference in the case of objects, and pass-by-value for basic types. Both concepts have their advantages and disadvantages. Objects are useful when the data is large, like the description of a window or the contents of a document. In these cases, access to that data is provided by copying a or bit value, versus copying an entire data structure. However, smaller values like integers are the same size as pointers typically both are one word , so there is no advantage to passing a pointer, versus passing the value.

Also, pass-by-reference inherently requires a dereferencing operation, which can produce noticeable overhead in some operations, typically those used with these basic value types, like mathematics. Similarly to C and in contrast to most other OO languages, [ citation needed ] Swift offers built-in support for objects using either pass-by-reference or pass-by-value semantics, the former using the class declaration and the latter using struct. Structs in Swift have almost all the same features as classes: methods, implementing protocols and using the extension mechanisms.

For this reason, Apple terms all data generically as instances , versus objects or values. Structs do not support inheritance, however. The programmer is free to choose which semantics are more appropriate for each data structure in the application.

Larger structures like windows would be defined as classes, allowing them to be passed around as pointers. Smaller structures, like a 2D point, can be defined as structs, which will be pass-by-value and allow direct access to their internal data with no dereference. The performance improvement inherent to the pass-by-value concept is such that Swift uses these types for almost all common data types, including Int and Double , and types normally represented by objects, like String and Array.

To ensure that even the largest structs do not cause a performance penalty when they are handed off, Swift uses copy on write so that the objects are copied only if and when the program attempts to change a value in them. This means that the various accessors have what is in effect a pointer to the same data storage.

So while the data is physically stored as one instance in memory, at the level of the application, these values are separate and physical separation is enforced by copy on write only if needed. A key feature of Objective-C is its support for categories , methods that can be added to extend classes at runtime. Categories allow extending classes in-place to add new functions with no need to subclass or even have access to the original source code.

An example might be to add spell checker support to the base NSString class, which means all instances of NSString in the application gain spell checking. The system is also widely used as an organizational technique, allowing related code to be gathered into library-like extensions. Swift continues to support this concept, although they are now termed extensions , and declared with the keyword extension.

Unlike Objective-C, Swift can also add new properties accessors, types, and enums to extant instances [ citation needed ]. Another key feature of Objective-C is its use of protocols , known in most modern languages as interfaces.

Protocols promise that a particular class implements a set of methods, meaning that other objects in the system can call those methods on any object supporting that protocol. This is often used in modern OO languages as a substitute for multiple inheritance , although the feature sets are not entirely similar. A common example of a protocol in Cocoa is the NSCopying protocol, which defines one method, copyWithZone , that implements deep copying on objects. In Objective-C, and most other languages implementing the protocol concept, it is up to the programmer to ensure that the required methods are implemented in each class.

Combined, these allow protocols to be written once and support a wide variety of instances. Also, the extension mechanism can be used to add protocol conformance to an object that does not list that protocol in its definition.

For example, a protocol might be declared called StringConvertible , which ensures that instances that conform to the protocol implement a toString method that returns a String. In Swift, this can be declared with code like this:.


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